Wednesday, June 13, 2012

EXP2 feedback

Key strength: Textures are high quality, carefully drawn lines of varying thickness. Good balance between outline and hatching/fill.
Most significant weakness: Relationship between landscape and architecture. The architecture has been placed without enough consideration of its surroundings. In exp3 it will be even more important that this relationship is resolved. Express this relationship through the strategic placing of the architecture.

Duncan,Rhys Bowie
Key strength: Axonometrics demonstrate an attempt to interrogate the spatial arrangement of the prisms.
Most significant weakness: Incomplete submission.

Key strength: Textures, although simple in the way they are constructed, do achieve the subtle expression of light to dark through their greyscale.
Most significant weakness: There is a consistent problem with expressing through the sketched axonometrics the junctions of prisms. Visualizing them first, even drawing them quickly in sketchup will help. Take care to ensure lines are parallel if they need to be. For exp3, take care to ensure lines point toward the vanishing point if they need to.

Key strength: Axos, their presentation and experimentation with proportions and arrangements. They could be improved further with an equal consideration of textures/hatching.
Most significant weakness: Architecture is not articulated well. Where are the “detailed” elements inspired by the axos. They could have turned an intersection of volumes into an architectural form.

Key strength: Level of detail put into the landscape. The spatial consideration of proportion and hierarchy in the arrangements displayed by the axonometrics.
Most significant weakness: Articulation of architectural elements is lacking.

Kha,Yvonne Grace
Key strength: Drawings, especially the textures are incredible as a set. They well together.
Most significant weakness: The relationship between landform and architecture has not been considered nor expressed. In exp3, make sure that you strategically place the architecture in relation to the valley. Then take image captures that exploit its placement (either from inside looking out, or the whole bridge nestled in its surroundings.)

Key strength: Architecture, its composition, the texture and colour choices.
Most significant weakness: There is little consideration of thought put into the placement of the two monuments. How do the monuments relate to each other? How do they relate to the landscape? Where is the meeting place?

Laroza,Raiza Denise
Key strength: One monument has an inseparable relationship with the landscape. Equal consideration should be given to the other monument and the meeting place.
Most significant weakness: Textures do not display the same amount of care and consideration as demonstrated in exp1. Both the presentation and linework could be improved.

Key strength: The sketches, especially the textures were drawn with care and consideration. They would improve even further with thoughtful presentation.
Most significant weakness: The architecture of the scheme requires a greater consideration of placement in the landscape.

Key strength: Relationship between architecture and landscape is elegantly expressed throughout the images. The consideration of light during night and day periods also demonstrates a clear consideration of experiencing the architecture.
Most significant weakness: The textures need to explore more techniques of hatching. The architecture could also improve the articulation of its smaller elements. They should integrate with the whole, or at least be considered as a part of the whole.

Masman,James Geoffrey Scott
Key strength: Axos obviously are exceptional quality. The images of the architecture are also a strong point, they have been carefully considered as compositions. What about images from inside the architecture looking out? Or even more basic interior shots?
Most significant weakness: Articulation of architectural elements and lack of integrated connection with meeting area. In exp3, please consider how to push the design of volumes to the point that it becomes architecture.

Key strength: Image captures portray architecture well. Despite being a simple, barren landscape there still is an intentional placement of architecture in relation to the landscape.
Most significant weakness: Scan/photographic quality. It is evident that the drawings have been done with care; however their presentation severely disadvantaged the whole submission.

Thompson,Alyce Glynis
Key strength: Care and consideration in presentation of images and sketches.
Most significant weakness: Articulation of architecture, where are the additional “detailed” elements inspired from the axos. Other than the single staircase, the detailed elements could have shifted your volumetric to architectural form.

Tryhuba,Grant Robert
Key strength: Axos and textures are amazing. The linework, the texturing/hatching, the progressive light to dark sub-structure. My only comment would be the arrangement of the prisms does not suggest a unified form. Commit yourself to a proportional system to engage with a systematic consistency, at the same time as striving to break the very system you are employing.
Most significant weakness: Monuments seemed plonked onto the landscape. In exp3, please give greater consideration to the relationship between architecture and landscape.

Key strength: The sketched axos and textures demonstrate a clear understanding of spatial expression. Their presentation could be improved and the proportions of volumes should be experimented further.
Most significant weakness: Scheme does not display architecture in the landscape. Where is it sited? Where is the meeting place?

Key strength: The careful linework and hatching of the textures are a strong point and should be applied to the sketched axos as well. In exp3, keep in mind the level of quality of textures and use them in your one and two point perspectives.
Most significant weakness: The relationship between architecture and landscape is not clearly demonstrated. The articulation of architecture is also lacking in detail. Exp3 will expect a higher level of resolution.

Key strength: Sketches and textures absolutely remarkable.
Most significant weakness: Architecture needs articulation of the detailed elements to move from a design of volumes to a form of architecture. In exp3 it will be expected that the architecture is resolved to a greater degree of detail.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hi Res Screenshots in Crysis

In crysis:

Browse console commands, search for "screenshot"

change e_ScreenShotHeight to 1920 or any other size
change e_ScreenShotWidth to 1080 or any other size

Then either whilst in "game mode" or just editor mode, use the console command "e_ScreenShot = 1"
to take a screen shot.

Your files will be saved to:


to hide the top-right corner details:
r_infodisplay 0

to hide the hud:
g_showhud 0

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sandbox Tip

If you are having difficulty with getting sandbox running smoothly, please check this great post:

Monday, April 9, 2012


These are the concepts from the 3 groups within our class:

Group1 (Kit, Brian, Ives, Rena):

1. Have strong biomorphic suggestiveness, most works were inspired by nature.
2. No more material than absolutely necessary.
3. Defying gravity in an obvious way.
4. Considering the sculpture and the functionality in a parallel way.
5. Ideas come from the establishment of the link of feeling with the place.

1. Displaying in horizontal and vertical section simultaneously.
2. Moving away from international modernism towards a monumental and expressive styles.
3. Influenced by ancient ruins, projecting a nostulgia for the lost ancient world.
4. The use of heavy buildings, not hiding the weight, material or the way they were assembled.
5. Separation of the perimeter walls as to the major structure with a view of exposing them to a more dramatic interplay between light and shadow.

Group2 (Raiza & co.):

1. Artificial illumination as an architectural element.
2. Subtle aspects of symmetry in distorted forms.
3. Light in weight/appearance.
4. Use of sculptural form to create spaces - Sculptures evoke the concept of flow and dynamism of life, human or animal.
5. Use of materias and technology tied to the forms and themes of western tadition.

1. Natural Light as an architectural element.
2. Monumental & "Sacred space" experience - appeals to the humanistic needs of people.
3. Functionalism and spacial harmony.
4. Use of shapes and planes to create spaces.
5. Powerful presence leading to a pinnacle point.

Group3 (Alyce & co.):

1. unconfined boundaries, permeable, porous sculptures.
2. challenges conventions.
3. importance of light and shadow throughout different times of day.
4. balancing to appear as though it is defying gravity.
5. reflects his structures (in water) to create illusions that the building is larger than it appears/integrates the building with the landscape.

1. strategically positions architecture in the landscape to remind people of their scale.
2. implies regular volumes with smaller masses subtracted so they look like negative spaces.
3. importance of light through its unconventional use.
4. Limits the openings within the walls to create intermediary spaces.
5. unmeasurable appearances through perception and scale.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Couple of things to consider when designing your stairs...

Concept of scale:
What size are the treads and risers of your stairs?

Concept of connection:
What is the relationship between yours stairs and the spaces it connects?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to post pictures of your SketchUp model?

Hi all,

This is a quick way to post a picture of your model. This is part of the independent study for week 1.

1) in SketchUp, go to file > export > 2D graphic (see pic).
Pick jpg or png. (jpg's are smaller)

2) log onto blogger and create a new post, click on "insert image" (see pic).
Browse to the image you saved and click ok.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Class List

Check out the course outline if you haven't already done so here.

If you are in my tutorial group, please leave a comment to this post with your blog address.

Duncan,Rhys Bowie
Kha,Yvonne Grace
Laroza,Raiza Denise
Masman,James Geoffrey Scott
Thompson,Alyce Glynis
Tryhuba,Grant Robert
Wright,Freya Greta Mclean